Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An individualistic society

We have only how much each person wants to contribute to society. But as a whole, we don't have much because we all care for each other. In caring for each other, we care for society because each one family/person, adds to the good of society on a whole. With one bad person, it takes the entire scale off balance, which is what we have and we cannot change it because the person has to change it themselves. What society itself can do is not much except for setting an example on how much better it is to be one way. But the one bad egg can be looked on society in two ways, a rebel which could turn the whole of society on it's tail and make what was good bad, and bad good. Or they can be looked as a criminal to their society (which they may actually be) and may be detained or terminated depending on how much of the society notices. Society does it because they cannot be both, they just want to be one large pie instead of two separate ones, they don't like to choose...usually, which is where a bad (or good depending on the individual) egg can come in. The word society is slightly off in it's definition because it's meant to be a group of people (rather large) but we are all individuals who sometimes think in the same way, making us a society. So society shouldn't only mean a large group of people, but a large group of people who generally think the same. 
Society only has one obligation and that is to try and be good. But that changes with each individual because not many people can think exactly alike, so the perception of good to some people, can be bad to others. But the older generation of society has to set up an example to follow for the younger society which will follow in its footsteps. They also have to try to make the path smoother for the younger generation to follow so as life gets older, it would be easier for the young to move forward and create their society to be the top in the world. We in the United States have our societies do exactly that so that we can beat out other countries in how good our economy/society is, and even when it is down, we are still better than others. And the older generations have the younger ones learn from their mistakes so we don't do it, which is what most of them see as bad, despite how other countries would see it as good. 
Society, under any circumstances, don't have to follow the rules and/or laws we are "required" to follow. They were just put there by the older society that has passed so the society today, does not have to follow them, but they do because that's what they think is the good way, besides certain parts of society. The older society put them there to show the younger that their way was much better than not having any rules/law at all, but we are allowed to change them or think differently. In "Pirates of the Caribbean" it shows this perfectly well. There were rules put down by the pirate court before Barbossa and Jack, being the society before them, and you were supposed to follow it no matter what. But Barbossa just slightly pushes it aside so that he can create a rules so that he can show his crew how to handle anything in certain situations. When talking to Elizabeth because she for the first time comes onto the Black Pearl, he says "First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner ." The third sentence puts the second one out of existence because he doesn't want to follow the code she be a pirate or not. So as our society moves forward the laws will change due to the rebels in society or just the whole of the younger society. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

To know or not to know...

                   Decision, this is the main object of how we know if we know ourself. It is what gives us identity and our own personality. Decide, this is something every minute of the day and there can be obvious ones, or extremely hard ones. The only problem with it is how use it to pick something--the value is rather large. People who can never decide for themselves usually means that they do not know themselves because they are told what to do instead of thinking for themselves. It is very valuable to know this because if you can not decide for yourselves, then the people that can ultimately will, and you may never understand who you are. You would turn into that person's "mini me"/clone essentially.  
                 My own weakness is very general to more specific thinking, and I do have a lot as does everyone. I would say that my own weakness is not taking care of my self/thinking to contradictory (For some reason I feel like calling it Darwinism because I think it's good, but not to others). And my worst quality is jealousy. In fact, it may all revolve around jealousy. The way I think personally annoys me. I don't want to think modernly because, what if everything we are taught, isn't right? Like, we were suddenly put onto a system the entire world follows, which is be born, go to school, don't steal (etc..), try to get into college, get a career, let the government run you, and try to enjoy life as much as possible. What if all we have been taught wasn't true? I always think that because I feel like everything in the world is just a straight line with only some squiggly lines going out at the Cold War and such...But then the more I think about it the more I think about how the past ran their countries; Egypt with pharaohs and deities, Greeks with democracy, and it gets me so confused on how to talk to people because if I did ask such questions, I would be revered as plain old stupid because it's not what we are supposed to do today. An example is that there was a man who started the "Green Revolution" and his name was Norman Borlaug. What he did was save an estimated one billion people from starvation by modifying plants such as corn and rice all around the world. But look at the world's problem right now. If you take all the pieces of the entire worlds problems, it all goes down to one thing--population. The world population is increasing at a rapid rate and not many people acknowledge that. We may face food wars in the future and even water wars because there is not enough for everyone. And when Norman Borlaug "saved" the world, what he did may have been the exact opposite; put the world at an even more risk of falling apart. People are naturally supposed to die, that's how life goes, it is a hard fact but that is how mother nature keeps herself in check too with burning the forests every now and then so that a new forest can grow and form. We have to die so that our Earth can support  itself without us having to weigh it down so much--even if that means dying painfully. On the other hand no one wants to see someone die of starvation, which is my annoying contradicting side of me. There is more in where this goes but the main point is, to answer this question, that I personally believe that the way I think is my own weakness, because I don't think right. 
                  I think that my best quality is to the ability to make friends easily without caring who they are, what they look like, etc...It may seem that this is common among people, and I thought this too, but I've finally realized that it is not. I do have part to blame myself because I don't know much about people (for example I didn't know what pornography was until in seventh grade when a website was blocked in school and I asked my teacher aloud what it was...in front of the whole class) and personally I don't really care about to know so I just go up to people and say hi when they're by themselves,frustrated, sad, etc...I do sincerely think that this is my best quality because I the friends I have around me are all so different, and some don't even like the other because the way he/she looks or acts. An example is that if one person says one something mean/rude about a person I know, I won't agree or disagree with them nor really care about what they say. I would probably just listen to the conversation without acknowledge them unless they say something totally wrong about him or her. This can come into play also though that I am a bad friend because I may not stand up for my friend because what my other friend is saying is their own opinion--be it wrong or rude. It's a bit awkward because it makes me wonder if they really consider me a friend while I cannot stick up for them when another is saying something rude about the other person. Now that I think about it it's all really contradicting to think about, though be it or not, I can still very easily make friends no matter who the person is. 
                        I think it's hard to think/write about ones own weaknesses and strengths because it's make the writer wonder about themselves more then they necessarily need to. People don't just sit around and think about themselves (usually) all day because there are so many other things in the way: school, work, kids, etc...It's also because from what I think, the thinker would constantly contradict him/herself. It makes it hard because despite that they have a strength in one area, we are wired in our brains to always think about the opposite, it all comes down to "the decision" and thinking for yourself. If you are able to think for yourself, then this would be easy to do, but if you do not and are always working for something else (school) then it would be much harder. When I was writing this, I was constantly contradicting myself. Hence why it is very confusing to read and I bet to the reader this will be too. Because without being the writer, it's harder to understand since you're not in the writers shoes. What I feel about writing this is that there are a lot of contradicting and it was actually really hard to write this down. It was hard to write this down because for some reason, I felt that it was easier to think about my weakness and strengths in my head than say it in words. My weakness was my hardest to think about about because of the topic. I felt like I couldn't write a big example because of how odd and horrible it would sound, which would make it hard to think about another example since that was the main example I have been thinking about. Overall, when someone has to write about their weaknesses and strengths, I think that it's very hard not only because it's easier to think about, but that it is very contradicting.